WP6 is responsible for radiation protection and safety, including FIRIA, safety systems, occupational safety and safety documentation.
WP6 will establish the safety documentation for the Project, including support for the descriptive and demonstrative Safety Files of the new Beam Dump Facility, in consultation with the concerned Departmental Safety (Support) Officers, and in collaboration with Safety actors at CERN, including the HSE unit, the EP Safety Office, NA-CONS PSO, and the Large Experiment Group Leader in Matters of Safety (LEXGLIMOS), as required. In a similar manner, the work package will also establish the Safety documentation for the dismantling of the existing target complex in TCC8.
WP6 will play an important role in the design optimization of the HI-ECN3 facility and providing relevant radiological input to the activities connected to it to ensure that the exposure of personnel to radiation and the radiological impact on the environment are As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). Together with the provision of operational RP support the work package will also establish the RP Safety File for the new Beam Dump Facility. The work package will provide guidance and support related to radioactive transport and waste management for the design of the new HI-ECN3 facility as well as for the dismantling of the existing target complex and experiment in TCC8 and ECN3.
A critical contribution from WP6 during the Technical Design phase will be the Fire Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment (FIRIA) needed to evaluate the impact on safety in case of fire of the HI-ECN3 facility and propose timely recommendations for a state-of–the-art fire protection concept that can be incorporated into the facility’s design. All other safety systems are covered in the scope of the work package, including the risk assessment and design of the related access sectors, fire detection, protection and evacuation of the surface and underground, the installation of fire-resistant partitions, dry risers, and the gas detection systems.
Finally, WP6 will support the project throughout its full life cycle in identifying potential hazards connected to process safety, occupational health and environmental protection.